How effective is Invisalign?
Restore your confidence and your smile – with the help of our Invisalign braces in Essex.
At Bluebell Dentistry & Aesthetics we have a combination of leading dental science, 20 yrs of clinical knowledge and as a Dimond Apex provider we are in the top 1% of Invisalign dentists in Europe so when you choose an Invisalign solution with us it’s not just your teeth that benefits from the full package – patients get to experience the best customer service, support, and advice from start to finish.
But first to the process itself and what it really means to have an Invisalign brace fitted.
Myth Buster: the truth about Invisalign
If you’re reading this and thinking that there’s no way a full dental brace can be termed “invisible”, then think again. Invisalign braces are designed to offer all the benefits of traditional Orthodontics and the standard brace fitting, but without all the aesthetic upheaval that comes with a standard brace.
Built to resemble a more streamlined gum shield, Invisalign braces sit neatly over your teeth and can be worn during the day and at night depending on your treatment plan and the recommendations of your dentist. Most clients will then be prescribed an updated Invisalign brace every couple of weeks so any subtle movement in their teeth’s position can be safely navigated and supported.
Every Invisalign brace is completely transparent and slots on top of the teeth without impacting the way your lip falls over your teeth – aiding the status of the braces as “invisible”. The braces are created following comprehensive 5d iTero x-rays of your teeth, along with a discussion about your ideal end result. Clients will be invited to view and discuss a projected simulation video to understand how their teeth will shift and move throughout the Invisalign treatment process, with retainers provided at the end of the treatment to help keep the teeth in line.
Now that you understand a little more about how the process works, it’s time to talk about the results.
Do Invisalign braces actually work?
One of the great things about Orthodontic dental brace work and treatment is that you don’t have to be an expert to see the results. A largely aesthetic treatment, the results of Invisalign will become gradually more pronounced as you progress through the assortment of tailor-made and prescribed braces for you – transforming your smile into a series of steps which are clear and comfortable to wear.
Invisalign braces in Essex offer a non-invasive, comfortable, and virtually invisible way of straightening your teeth and fixing your smile. Best of all, our team are ready and waiting to talk you through the process and how it could help you personally.