Preventing tooth decay over the festive season
With so many delicious treats around during the festive season, from sweets and chocolates to mulled drinks, rich dishes, and plenty of cheese and biscuits, it can be easy to throw healthy eating out of the window and indulge in what the season has to offer. But it’s not just your overall health you need to be wary of over Christmas. Your teeth also require a little bit of TLC to keep them shining like fairy lights – which is why we’ve created this mini guide to preventing tooth decay over the festive season, with the help of our general dentistry services in Essex.
What is tooth decay and what is it caused by?
Tooth decay is a very gradual condition that generally isn’t noticed by individuals until it becomes a painful problem that requires treatment. As one of the most common dental issues in the modern world, tooth decay is caused by the acid which is produced when bacteria in your mouth breaks down carbohydrate-rich foods – with the acid forming a plaque over the tooth which, over time, breaks down the surface of the tooth and causes decay.
To put it simply, tooth decay is exacerbated by a diet high in carbohydrate and sugar-high foods, making Christmas a major culprit in the war against plaque and dental decay.
So, what can you do about it?
The importance of dental check-ups
First thing’s first, regular dental appointment are important in both managing your overall dental hygiene and in recognising the signs of potential tooth decay early on. Despite being one of the most common issues in the modern world of dentistry and dental care, tooth decay is also one of the easiest problems to prevent – provided you combine the right daily management with regular dental check-ups and early treatment in relation to any potential issues.
While crowns, fillings, and sealants are all effective ways of limiting further damage and concealing decaying teeth, here at Bluebell Dentistry & Aesthetics we believe that prevention is better than cure. So, this festive season, make sure that you are following this set of rules around dental health and hygiene – your teeth will thank you for it!
The importance of dental check-ups
- Limit your consumption of sugary food and drinks.
We know, easier said than done, right? However, the more you can limit your consumption of the foods that cause and exacerbate decay, the healthier both your mouth and your body will be – not to mention, you’ll feel a whole lot better if you reach for a piece of fruit rather than chocolates every so often this Christmas.
- Brush twice a day without fail.
It doesn’t matter where you are, whether at home or staying with friends or family. Keeping up your dental hygiene routine is the number one thing you can do to protect your teeth this festive season – so be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, using a fluoride toothpaste.
- Don’t ignore toothache and sensitive teeth.
No, it’s not a “January problem”. Sensitive teeth and toothache are both signs of potential underlying issues and should not be ignored. The longer you leave these problems, the worse they become so be sure to schedule an emergency dental appointment as soon as you can.
Here at Bluebell Dentistry & Aesthetics, we offer general dentistry services across Essex, combining treatments and check-ups with education and advice to keep your teeth healthy – and tooth decay at a minimum. For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, get in touch directly.