I am an Accountant by profession and was mainly involved with business development and consultancy. With the company of my wife who is a dentist and my passion for professional business, we conceived the idea of establishing a Dental Practice and created Bluebell as a thriving independent practice over the past 20 years. We were very particular in giving Bluebell a corporate structure with independent departments and with our handpicked wonderful team, we have been able to script our success story which was possible only because of their dedication to offering the highest standard of service to our clients. We at Bluebell love to lead the team by example by working hands on, steering the company through carefully planned hedged risks and the result of these combined efforts saw our business grow steadily over the last two decades. Working in Bluebell has certainly become a matter of pride for everyone, and we give all credits to the team in nurturing Bluebell as a respected brand in the dental and aesthetic industries.
My other interest is spending time with my three children, especially when travelling to adventurous parts of the world. Every travel has been resourceful in nurturing a broader outlook of the world which we have ably demonstrated this in our business where we have been able to bring up a multi-cultural cohesive team.
The new building with nine surgery rooms, has led to us achieving a near carbon zero practice and attaining an EPC-A rated building. We are passionate about looking after our team and our clients and we have incorporated a personal training/Boxing Gym within the building for the welfare of our team and customers.
We continue to innovate by introducing new facilities to our clients, such as laser equipment, 5D scanners and contouring medical devices to treat both dental and aesthetic patients. Lloyds Bank recently published an article in their “Healthcare Confident Index 2022” about Bluebell, stating “Dentistry & Aesthetics practice becomes one of the UK’s most sustainable”.
We will continue to strive to be the best in the Dentistry & Aesthetic sector and we will be the leaders of change for the years to come.